French to english wordreference - FR However confident you may be - grammaire.

double down vi phrasal. . French to english wordreference

la fin, elle poussa un dernier soupir et lcha ma main. Click the icon in the browser or right-click on an highlighted word. In the general dictionary, provided by the world-famous publisher Collins, you will find common words and expressions, while the Collaborative Dictionary also features slang terms, technical translations, colloquial words and expressions, or. informal (have sex with) (familier) coucher avec vi pr&233;p. often capitalized (patron) (membre) ami, amie nm, nf. surrender n. All Free. For some reason, in English, we say "commit a crime ," not "do a crime" or "enact a crime. intend to do sth v expr. hello Salut. It contains over 95764 terms and 277872 translations in both English and Spanish and continues to grow and improve. Please assume a foetal position for this dance exercise. Il manipulait l'objectif pour faire le point. Google&x27;s service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. French language. Tania is eating an ice cream. Synonymes well known, famed, popular, prominent, renowned, Suite. (stimulus) (figur) coup de fouet nm. Walk is a regular verb in English, but "be" is irregular. English n. WordReference. ban sb from sth vtr prep. similarit nf. (clothes) changer de qch vtr ind. Aprs avoir reu l&x27;extrme-onction, elle a rendu son dernier souffle. Les philosophes dbattent de la signification de l&39;tre. representative adj. L'inglese &232; una materia obbligatoria nella scuola primaria. learn why vtr pron. Philosophers debate the meaning of being. retail store n. The learner driver in front of us stalled. informal (have sex with) (familier) coucher avec vi pr&233;p. Forums pour discuter de teacher, voir ses formes composes, des exemples et poser vos questions. (of children) des enfants, de l&39;enfant,. Millions translate with. Poorly built homes are a common source of law suits. This extension helps you translating words by opening a new tab to WordReference. L'&233;l&232;ve a corrig&233; les erreurs dans son devoir. FR However adverb - grammaire. Principales traductions. (in, of the English language) ingl&233;sesa adj. French and Italian Dictionaries. ) essai nm. is a living, growing dictionary. Le dictionnaire WordReference Franais-Anglais est un dictionnaire vivant, en pleine expansion, particulirement bien adapt aux utilisateurs d&39;Internet. mother sb vtr. change into sthsb vi prep. lawyer vi. Le site vous propose deux dictionnaires anglais-fran&231;ais Le dictionnaire anglais-fran&231;ais WordReference est un dictionnaire vivant et en constante expansion. reflect sth vtr (return light, heat, etc. The Collins Spanish Dictionary. long since adv. meal n. Walk is a regular verb in English, but "be" is irregular. (pass to sb in a will) (hritage) aller , revenir vi prp. how much Combien. Write the infinitive or a conjugated form and the French Conjugator will provide you a list of all the verb tenses and persons future, participle, present, subjunctive, auxiliary verb. The mean is the average value of a set of numbers. (care for, raise children) (des enfants) &233;lever vtr. uncountable (academic subject) (materia scuola, universit&224;, ecc. (ask for money) faire payer qqn vtr. ban sb from sth vtr prep. French sth, french sth vtr. the English npl. (information on computer) donnes informatiques nfpl. The stress placed on good customer service has helped the company grow. france - traduction anglais-franais. La larve s&39;est transforme en adulte. informal (not do) (figur&233;, familier) fuir comme la peste loc v. Il contient 82808 termes et 205472 traductions en anglais et en fran&231;ais et continue de s'enrichir et de s'am&233;liorer. plot n. lawyer vi. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. (be disposed, inclined to) avoir tendance (faire) qch loc v. (be the mother of) donner naissance loc v prp. a man after my own heart, a woman after my own heart n. (not wide) &233;troit adj. One cow provides enough milk for a family. (absurd, comical) ridicule adj. (quand mouill&233;) se s&233;cher au soleil v pron. rencontre - traduction franais-anglais. repos nm. We work Saturdays and Sundays, and have our weekend on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Le projet est n d&39;une conversation que j&39;ai eue avec un voisin. Le repr&233;sentant syndical (or le d&233;l&233;gu&233; du personnel) a pr&233;sent&233; les demandes du personnel &224; la direction. English to German. (as opposed to) (opposition) et conj. (verb that follows standard conjugation) verbe r&233;gulier nm. no matter who expr. Donate money and become a Friend of the Arts. where is O&249; se trouve. reflect sth vtr (return light, heat, etc. N&233;anmoins, elle l'a achet&233;. Seeing the moment to seize its prey, the leopard sprang. English n. surrender n. The union brothers and sisters met to discuss the strike. intend to do sth v expr. Donnez de l&39;argent et devenez membre des Amis des arts. Le rapport fut enregistr pour rfrence future. Only French and English are supported for now. Aidez WordReference Posez la question dans les forums. com's dictionaries English to. We weekended at the beach. (knowledgeable about) (bien) conna&238;tre, (bien) ma&238;triser adv vtr. download n. en suite, en-suite adj. (presumptuous) (pr&233;somptueux) impertinent adj. Cette plante donne (or fait) des fleurs roses au printemps. FREE Translations with Audio. (regarding intelligence) de renseignements loc adj. stress n. The site offers two English-Italian dictionaries The WordReference English-Italian Dictionary The Collins Italian Dictionary. ) nm. (of children) des enfants, de l&39;enfant,. The Internet is now a common source of information. entry (dictionary) excerpt from an 18th century dictionary. Many plants produce fruit after they are pollinated. le sentiment d&39;tre chez soi. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de 'BBC'. It's silly to be afraid of spiders; they're so much smaller than you. (soutenu) vent adj. ) nm. Google doesn't verify reviews. Les salaires sont dtermins en fonction de l&39;exprience. Il contient 82808 termes et 205472 traductions en anglais et en franais et continue de s&x27;enrichir et de s&x27;amliorer. (in addition) (sujets lis) Et en plus, D&39;ailleurs, Et d&39;ailleurs loc adv. (time 5 o'clock) (du matin ou de l'apr&232;s-midi) cinq heures, 5 h nfpl. WordReference is an online translation dictionary for, among others, the language pairs English - French, English- Italian, English- Spanish, French-Spanish, Spanish- Portuguese and English-Portuguese. Mots, expressions et tournures idiomatiques fran&231;aises et anglaises. lawyer vi. It contains over 43751 terms and 110503 translations in both English and Dutch, and it will continue to grow and improve. You can also access language forums, ask questions and get help from native speakers. (study of the sounds of speech) phon&233;tique nf. 5 n. figurative (unimportant) petit, modeste adj. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. action en justice nf. (rudimentary, primary) &233;l&233;mentaire, basique adj. i would like J'aimerais. Je ferai passer votre commentaire &224; mon avocat. (for a long time now) depuis longtemps loc adv. Dans les listes Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - F, Suite. thesaurus - traduction anglais-franais. autonomie nf. WordReference. English to Polish. English-French Dictionary WordReference vous propose deux dictionnaires Franais-Anglais Le dictionnaire WordReference Franais-Anglais est un dictionnaire vivant, en pleine expansion, particulirement bien adapt aux utilisateurs d&39;Internet. There are strict requirements for all team members. pronounce sth vtr. get there v expr. Enjoy interj. French and Italian Dictionaries. The English Dictionary. world n. Child psychologists study the mind and behaviour of children. Synonymes clearly, surely, certainly, unmistakably, unquestionably, Suite. Dans les listes Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - T, Words to learn, Suite. Elle voyage &224; travers le pays pour son travail. Computer data is stored on the computer in the form of binary files. Only French and English are supported for now. Il ne travaille pas en ce moment, mais il doit passer plusieurs entretiens d&39;embauche la semaine prochaine. Lick your lip, you&39;ve got a milk moustache. The learner driver let the clutch out too quickly and the car stalled. flame sb vtr. Bienvenue au dictionnaire WordReference. The teacher used prompts to encourage the students to use the new vocabulary they had learned. Un oubli important Signalez une erreur ou suggrez une amlioration. Reverso offers a free online dictionary with thousands of words and expressions, definitions, synonyms, and examples in French and English. Notre famille a quitt la campagne pour la ville. Computer data is stored on the computer in the form of binary files. Language Varieties, Biographical of, pertaining to, or characteristic of. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de 'BBC'. mainly US, figurative (become more stubborn) rench&233;rir vi. We encourage comments, thoughts and suggestions about the suggested changes to the dictionaries, especially if you can confirm that suggested changes are correct. The drug trial lasted for three years before the drug was approved. La route &233;troite faisait qu'il &233;tait difficile de doubler d'autres voitures. edit paragraph. English - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. trial n. (legal professional) avocat, avocate nm, nf. English to French. La lady tait ne de parents modestes. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. representative n. Seeing the moment to seize its prey, the leopard sprang. parce que loc conj. 8 out of 5. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. L&39;anglais est une matire obligatoire en primaire. Le luthier a mis des cordes &224; l'instrument. (profession healthcare) (profession) m&233;decine nf. People with inner ear problems cannot balance well. and conj. French to English Dictionary. (basic element of sth) lment de base nm. French Verb Conjugation Conjugaison de Verbes. All the children enjoyed the fairy tale, especially Veronica, who wanted to be a writer when she grew up. le jour d&39;aprs nm. warm adj. rapport - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. La peau juv&233;nile de Sadie &233;tait d'un &233;clat magnifique. When she stroked the cat, she started sneezing. (crayon) mal taill&233; adv adj. Palabras, frases y modismos. I checked the dictionary. s'occuper de chats, s'occuper du chat de , s'occuper des chats de. Forums pour discuter de teacher, voir ses formes composes, des exemples et poser vos questions. Even though the translations from English by Google and Microsoft are quite good, DeepL still surpasses them. The restaurant had relatively simple fare, but it was cheap and it tasted good. Le conducteur a t tu dans l&39;accident de voiture mais le passager a survcu. Seeing the moment to seize its prey, the leopard sprang. (electronics give a bias) (&201;lectronique) polariser vtr. Es una buena idea cortar los ejotes a la francesa antes de cocerlos. I couldn't answer his question because I wasn't familiar with the topic. convey sth vtr. (act of guiding) direction, conduite, supervision nf. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions. In French-English, thousands more terms that are not included in the main dictionary can be found in the WordReference French-English forum questions and answers. Courage Je suis s&251;r que tu. Le problme est triple et il sera donc difficile de le rsoudre facilement. rendre son dernier souffle. Mots, expressions et tournures idiomatiques fran&231;aises et anglaises . craigslist in uk, image search by photo

In the general dictionary, provided by the world-famous publisher Collins, you will find common words and expressions, while the Collaborative Dictionary also features slang terms, technical translations, colloquial words and expressions, or. . French to english wordreference

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(style of speech) (style de langage) faon de parler nf. Forums pour discuter de correct, voir ses formes composes, des exemples et poser vos questions. Synonymes well known, famed, popular, prominent, renowned, Suite. Languages English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Le miroir r&233;fl&233;chissait un visage. Even though the translations from English by Google and Microsoft are quite good, DeepL still surpasses them. Formes composes. L'entreprise a intent&233; un proc&232;s (or une action en justice) &224; son concurrent pour violation de brevet. (experimental attempt) (machine, vhicule, etc. (working all the time, overwork) (familier) boulot, boulot, boulot nm. English to Portuguese. The request was forwarded to the. (not wide) &233;troit adj. La police lui donna une jolie somme pour sa coop&233;ration. He has a basic understanding of how a car works. You could tell that she was from a lower-class background by her language. French and English words, phrases and idioms meaning, translation, usage. compatir avec qchqqn vi prp. I need to change my clothes. travel vi. The teacher is sympathetic to the problems of her teenage students. We weekended at the beach. People with inner ear problems cannot balance well. I think that Julie will mother lots of children. C'est tout simplement impossible de v&233;rifier si le service b&233;n&233;ficiera de suffisamment de subventions cette ann&233;e. This mobile version includes dictionaries for English, Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Romanian, and. The art world is a strange place. The peace agreement is dependent on the surrender of their weapons. &199;a demande du cran de confronter son patron. (act, gesture courteous) aimable adj. Don&39;t worry, the meeting isn&39;t until the day after tomorrow. (crayon) mal taill adv adj. A once-wealthy woman, she has been reduced to begging in the street. Reverso offers a free online dictionary with thousands of words and expressions, definitions, synonyms, and examples in French and English. Je pense que Julie donnera naissance beaucoup d&39;enfants. rencontre - traduction franais-anglais. Mettez votre t-shirt dans le r&233;cipient rempli de teinture et laissez-le immerg&233; pendant une demi-heure. (healthy or top-quality food) (bon pour la sant) nourriture saine nf. It is simply impossible to ascertain whether or not the department will receive enough funding next year. with prep. Forums pour discuter de england, voir ses formes compos&233;es, des exemples et poser vos questions. plot n. Il y a beaucoup de passage sur cette route. The WordReference English-French Dictionary is a living, growing dictionary. I like the sheen of satin, but I prefer the hang of velvet. Courage interj. Le parti remporta une victoire &233;crasante (or une large victoire). rest n. (as opposed to) (opposition) et conj. I&39;ve always enjoyed good health. (be the mother of) donner naissance loc v prp. (Informatique) donn&233;es nfpl. used with a plural verb the people born or living in France. stubborn adj. It is a high-quality dictionary from one of the world's. 25 of the French population smoke (s) 3-course French civilization track option. (shop) magasin (de vente) au d&233;tail nm. Notre famille a quitt&233; la campagne pour la ville. Note for users of Android 7. despite the fact that conj. (basic food, drink) aliment de base, produit de base nm. (avec des noms) avoir qqn pour parents loc v. run n. Helps you translate words with wordreference. All Free. Language Varieties, Biographical of, pertaining to, or characteristic of. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de &39;rencontre&39;. Si vous suivez attentivement la recette, votre plat devrait &234;tre r&233;ussi. reduce sb to doing sth v expr. Courage interj. Algunas veces las palabras inglesas son dif&237;ciles de pronunciar para un franc&233;s. Acid was used in the analysis of the metals present in the ore. I think the waiter forgot to charge me. You offered me wine and soda, but I'll have water instead. water bottle, reusable water bottle n. (make available) (service) assurer vtr. reference n. The stress of getting married can be overwhelming. In French-English, thousands more terms that are not included in the main dictionary can be found in the WordReference French-English forum questions and answers. since the year dot, from the year dot adv. elegant currency. computer desk n. france - traduction anglais-franais. Works wherever you&39;re reading or writing, with additional time-saving features. in French English synonyms English Collocations. Je suis la retraite depuis longtemps ; a fait des annes que je n&39;ai pas travaill. (basic element of sth) lment de base nm. Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. Bill a remerci&233; ses coll&232;gues pour tous les messages de soutien qu'ils lui avaient envoy&233; pendant sa maladie. at the end of the day expr. It is a good idea to French the beans before cooking them. mainly US (culinary cut into slivers) cortar a la francesa vtr loc adv. (information on computer) donnes informatiques nfpl. (basic element of sth) lment de base nm. Synonymes sign, sign for, put your signature on, sign your name on. Middle English 13501400; cir. Parents want their children to receive a comprehensive education. around, also UK about prep. In Spanish-English, thousands more terms that are not included in the main dictionary can be found in the WordReference. The art world is a strange place. action en justice nf. En temps prospre, il est d&39;autant plus important de penser ceux qui sont dans le besoin. For her masters degree in linguistics, Katie had to study phonetics. Il manipulait l'objectif pour faire le point. le jour d&39;aprs nm. mainly US (culinary cut into slivers) tagliare a bastoncino, tagliare &224; la julienne vtr. English to Portuguese. (in the greatest measure) le plus de. . camsodaebony